
Merry meet, and welcome to the blog for the fledgling Raven's Call coven.  I have been a Wiccan practitioner for a few years, and I haven't been able to find the community I've been looking for. So, I could continue to whine or I could start it myself! This is very much a work in progress, but while I'm working on it, I wanted to get the word out there so that I could start hearing from interested people and, once we get a few people, start meeting.

I think it's important to state right off that I have not been initiated by someone else nor do I have any lineages or degrees. If you are looking for an established coven linked with a preexisting tradition, this isn't it. 

There will be, so far, a few defining characteristics of this coven: 

Devotional: We are devoted to the God and the Goddess. We may see them differently, but if you don't work with deities at all, or if you believe they are mostly symbolic or archetypical, this isn't going to be a good match for you. 

Eclectic: I have some ideas for structure, but the resources are drawn from different traditions within Paganism.

Devoted: I'm expecting this to be something people take seriously and put time into. We'll have readings, and homework, and we'll be seeking to grow our own personal practice.

Progressive: Due to the political climate, I want to be out front with this from the start. If you are not politically progressive, you won't find it comfortable. Sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, etc., will not be tolerated. At all. Neither will (and this one is more subtle) the promotion of ideas that make it seem as though if a person is sick or poor it's their own fault (this tends to fall under manifestation magick).

Wiccan: We follow Wiccan frameworks and beliefs including the teaching on the use of harmful magick. We don't try to mash our religion together with others (i.e. "Christian" Wicca).

Drug and alcohol-free- To support those in recovery and those with trauma around substance use, as well as to keep a clear mind for magick, this coven is drug and alcohol-free. Anyone who shows up to meetings visibly intoxicated will be asked to go.

Still interested? Fill out our Google form and I'll get in touch with you, usually within 48 hours. 
